Mount Barney Explored
a mountain of rugged beauty and grandeur
Although it is only a two hour drive from Brisbane to the base of the mountain, it does seem like a world apart.
In August 1828 the first Europeans to climb the mountain were Captain Patrick Logan, commander of the Brisbane settlement, and botanists Alan Cunningham and Charles Fraser. Only Logan made it to the summit. It is a challenging hike.
I moved to South East Queensland in 2006, and within the first month had fallen in love with the Mt Barney region. What's not to love - World Heritage listed wilderness, Queensland's second tallest mountain, beautiful creeks, walking tracks for all fitness levels, dark skies for star photography and welcoming locals.
In June 2010 I joined a group of friends to climb the mountain. Being the middle of winter it took us all day to ascend, have lunch at the summit, and return to the carpark.
The image above is a panorama I took from the top. The view is spectacular!
Mt Barney and fires
It is probably a combination of the factors that causes people to get lost. Sometimes the lost bushwalker will light a signal fire to help rescuers locate them during the night.
Mt Barney by Night
One of my favourites was the full lunar eclipse just before the moon set behind Mt Barney. During the winter months the Milky Way also sets behind the mountain. This is especially spectacular from Yellow Pinch.
Add in a fire which, during the night, flared up behind me on Mt Gillies and lit up the face of Mt Barney.